Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's Like Writing in a Journal

Well I've pretty much failed at keeping up with my 30 day challenge.  Life comes at you fast when you have a goal in mind and since all the other things seemed to be more important the 30 day challenge fell to the side.  I did keep doing many of the things on the list I just didn't keep track of them.  Like writing in my journal.  I didn't even come close to writing every day.  To be completely honest there were some days that I just didn't have anything I wanted to document on a piece of paper for future generations to read.  I'm feeling the same way about this blog.  Maybe if I got paid to write I would find the time to keep up on it.  Speaking of keeping up on things the baby needs me.  I will continue this later...if my journals are any idea of a time line then you should check back in about six to nine months.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Downgrade to Upgrade

Some of you may already know but I'm downgrading my cell phone to hopefully upgrade the wallet.  Doing this will make it a bit more inconvenient to post pics and such so I will not be blogging each individual day of my 30 challenge.  Because I will be using a camera not on a phone and will not have the capability to instantly upload I will continue the blog but as for the challenge, after today's entry, I will recap it at its completion.

The workouts are going well.  My calves are still aching from day one. Ouch!

Day 2 nature walk was with Big Dreamer.  He rode his bike while we looked at plants and such.  He is very proud to be on two wheels now instead of four.

I'm not too sad about my soda goal except at night when I'm craving that sweet sip but it will get easier.

My happy thought was a moment I had with Big Dreamer discussing colors and how amazing the world is.

Prayers continue to pour out as I search for strength to overcome my weaknesses.

I reposted a funny picture someone sent me so I think that counts for posting positivity.

My summary photo for the day was the sky before the storm.  It seemed to sum up my day.

My simple routine continues although I will be doing more deep cleaning this weekend.

I was able to call a friend of mine and tell her thank you for all her support.

The journaling was short and sweet but I still took pen to paper and wrote something down.

They are having a "Meet the Master's" event at Big Dreamer's school tonight to show off the kids' art so I need to cut this short but stayed tuned.  I will be back to the blog.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 1

Well day one is over and I'm glad to say it was a success.  That isn't to say that the day went perfect or that there weren't many road blocks but I did complete the tasks I set out to complete and that made me feel very much accomplished.

I previously posted how my workout went so I will skip it here and you can refer back to my previous post.

The nature walk with Mr. Independent was very enjoyable.  He loves to mumble and point at all things he comes across.  His favorite was crossing over a canal and watching ducks swim by.  There is also a little farm nearby and we chatted with the new lambs.  Mr. Independent is not fond of the daddy sheep and his loud voice.

My no soda challenge seemed fine throughout the day.  I drank more water than usual so that was good but as night fell I had the strongest craving for a Sprite Zero.  I was a little sad about settling for more water, but at least it was ice cold.

My happy thought or moment of the day was driving with Mr. Independent in the back singing along to Bruno Mars using a little play microphone.  He was absolutely adorable and delighted.

I found myself praying several times throughout the day for bits of guidance or clarity and forgiveness.  Though I did not receive any immediate answers it felt good to be spiritually connected.

I made sure to post a 'thank you' to a friend I follow on FB rather than a complaint.

At the end of the day the boys and I shared some time outside with our wonderful neighbors.  It was such a beautiful night and the perfect moment for my summary photo.

It felt nice going throughout the house knowing I had cleaned up my simple things and that there was some part of order to my very busy household.

While outside I was able to genuinely share my gratitude with my neighbor who has been a huge support and confidant.  It seemed much more personal to be able to tell her in person rather than over text.

At the end of the day I was glad for my challenge to make a journal entry and to be able to momentarily reflect on the ups and downs of the day, writing in my own handwriting, the thoughts I had of day one.

..and so day two begins.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

30 Days of Straight Amazingness Challenge

For the next 30 days I WILL complete the following 10 items each day:

1.Workout (AB routine which I will post if anyone is interested)
2.Nature Walk
3.No Soda, Carbonation, or Energy Drinks
4.Take pen to paper and write "Happy Thought"
5.PRAY for strength, guidance, success, forgiveness
6.Post positivity (made up word I'm sure)
7.Take a summary of the day photo
8.Simple Clean up routine (idea from another blogger that has really helped keep my house in order)
9.Make a phone call or tell someone in person how grateful I am for them (texting, FB, Tweet don't count)
10.Journal, in a real book, in my own handwriting.

We'll see how it goes.  I challenge you to join me, or make your own 30 days of Straight Amazingness Challenge. Doesn't have to be ten things.  Maybe it is just one, like stay positive, or no soda, or don't yell at the Hub, hug the kids after school...the possibilities are endless.

I'm hoping in 30 days I have the strength and encouragement to start a new 30 day list.

P.S. I'm going to miss you RedBull

I am NOT a Morning Person

This is an old picture but I think it says how I feel about waking up early better than any other picture I could find.  This morning was no exception.  The Hub feeling super chipper woke me to for an early (4:00AM mind you!) workout.  I am trying to start a 30 day health kick which I will blog about next however that is not the point of this post.  The point of this post is to complain about waking up early today.

There are many days where I am a happy morning person, even after being awake ALL night.  There are mornings I wake before my alarm ready to jump out of bed and take on the world.  There are even mornings where I wake up and sing.  Today was not one of those days.

After a long night of insomnia, mixed with chronic pain, no AC, and a tiny bit of Candy Crush I took a last glance at the clock around 3:37.  Needless to say when Early Bird came a singing I was having nothing of it. I growled, I huffed, I sighed an obnoxiously loud sigh.  I believe I even chucked a pillow across the room at one point before getting gym ready and heading downstairs.  I flipped on all the bright lights just to make my point that I wasn't happy (The Hub likes an easy going morning workout of natural light starting to break through the mountain peaks).  I got my music going first on my phone so he'd have to listen to my playlist.  I told him where he could find my headphones if he really didn't want to hear my music, and then something happened...

I put my headphones in (which yes he did bring to me-I totally would've made him get his own at that point) and I got to work.  I closed my eyes and lifted the weights, instantly realizing my shoulder is still healing.  I winced and I pushed through the pain.  I did my jogging routine.  I focused my ab muscles and crunched.  I successfully completed two rounds of my B Workout (side note: for those of you that are wondering what the heck a B workout is, I have an A and B workout schedule.  It rotates each day) and then I stretched.

(Okay this has nothing to do with this post but there is the weirdest bird chirping outside my window right now throwing off my entire thought process.  It chirps like a normal bird should and then it does this chirp that sounds like a mix between a coughing bird and a girl making shooting noises (come on you know you're doing it right now pa-koo pa-koo)

Anyway back to my blog: I stretched.  I changed tunes to my cool down melodies and I exhaled.  I pushed and eased my body to the floor and felt my muscles gladly pulling and relaxing..

..and then something happened that I don't believe anyone could have anticipated...I said "Thank you for waking me up to workout.  I really needed it.  Sorry for being such a grouch."

Yeah The Hub was speechless too.

I couldn't say this earlier but I can now: Day one workout happily completed.

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Product Shout Out of the Week: Love Has Come For You

Caught Jimmy Fallon last night.  He had Steve Martin and Eddie Brickell on.  They have a new album out called Love Has Come For You.  The album cover is amazingly a painting not a photograph by a friend of Steve Martin's.  Get it on vinyl as well.

You'll be glad you did.

We Have Poop!

Being a mom gives you all sorts of everyday things that become momentous occasions.  Monday Mr. Independent went poop in the potty for the very first time!  He was so excited to give nooks (exploding of course) ((that's a fist bump for those of you that don't know, followed by opening your hand up and making firework exploding noises)).

I am so very proud of this little guy and want to give a shout out to Sesame Street's Elmo's Potty Time DVD.  For any of you moms out there looking for something to get the kiddo motivate pick it up it's no so obnoxious that you'll want to keep you kid in diapers forever and has just enough funny one liners for the parents.

In the words of Mr. Independent that always follows the flush: "Bye Poops".