Tuesday, May 14, 2013

30 Days of Straight Amazingness Challenge

For the next 30 days I WILL complete the following 10 items each day:

1.Workout (AB routine which I will post if anyone is interested)
2.Nature Walk
3.No Soda, Carbonation, or Energy Drinks
4.Take pen to paper and write "Happy Thought"
5.PRAY for strength, guidance, success, forgiveness
6.Post positivity (made up word I'm sure)
7.Take a summary of the day photo
8.Simple Clean up routine (idea from another blogger that has really helped keep my house in order)
9.Make a phone call or tell someone in person how grateful I am for them (texting, FB, Tweet don't count)
10.Journal, in a real book, in my own handwriting.

We'll see how it goes.  I challenge you to join me, or make your own 30 days of Straight Amazingness Challenge. Doesn't have to be ten things.  Maybe it is just one, like stay positive, or no soda, or don't yell at the Hub, hug the kids after school...the possibilities are endless.

I'm hoping in 30 days I have the strength and encouragement to start a new 30 day list.

P.S. I'm going to miss you RedBull

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