Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I am NOT a Morning Person

This is an old picture but I think it says how I feel about waking up early better than any other picture I could find.  This morning was no exception.  The Hub feeling super chipper woke me to for an early (4:00AM mind you!) workout.  I am trying to start a 30 day health kick which I will blog about next however that is not the point of this post.  The point of this post is to complain about waking up early today.

There are many days where I am a happy morning person, even after being awake ALL night.  There are mornings I wake before my alarm ready to jump out of bed and take on the world.  There are even mornings where I wake up and sing.  Today was not one of those days.

After a long night of insomnia, mixed with chronic pain, no AC, and a tiny bit of Candy Crush I took a last glance at the clock around 3:37.  Needless to say when Early Bird came a singing I was having nothing of it. I growled, I huffed, I sighed an obnoxiously loud sigh.  I believe I even chucked a pillow across the room at one point before getting gym ready and heading downstairs.  I flipped on all the bright lights just to make my point that I wasn't happy (The Hub likes an easy going morning workout of natural light starting to break through the mountain peaks).  I got my music going first on my phone so he'd have to listen to my playlist.  I told him where he could find my headphones if he really didn't want to hear my music, and then something happened...

I put my headphones in (which yes he did bring to me-I totally would've made him get his own at that point) and I got to work.  I closed my eyes and lifted the weights, instantly realizing my shoulder is still healing.  I winced and I pushed through the pain.  I did my jogging routine.  I focused my ab muscles and crunched.  I successfully completed two rounds of my B Workout (side note: for those of you that are wondering what the heck a B workout is, I have an A and B workout schedule.  It rotates each day) and then I stretched.

(Okay this has nothing to do with this post but there is the weirdest bird chirping outside my window right now throwing off my entire thought process.  It chirps like a normal bird should and then it does this chirp that sounds like a mix between a coughing bird and a girl making shooting noises (come on you know you're doing it right now pa-koo pa-koo)

Anyway back to my blog: I stretched.  I changed tunes to my cool down melodies and I exhaled.  I pushed and eased my body to the floor and felt my muscles gladly pulling and relaxing..

..and then something happened that I don't believe anyone could have anticipated...I said "Thank you for waking me up to workout.  I really needed it.  Sorry for being such a grouch."

Yeah The Hub was speechless too.

I couldn't say this earlier but I can now: Day one workout happily completed.

Have a great day everyone!

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